More than 30 Trombonists participated this first year!
Trombone Christmas, Harrisonburg, Virginia was a huge success and we extend huge thanks to everyone who came out and played — as well as our wonderfully supportive audience! Holding the event at Valley Mall was the perfect venue for catching shoppers off-guard and bringing some unexpected holiday cheer to the public. What’s more, our charity partner, CASA for Children of the Blue Ridge, not only received some financial contributions, but also had two volunteers sign up . . . which means that 4 neglected or abused children in the area will soon have a trained advocate on their side as they navigate the courts for a stable home life — that’s the best Christmas gift we could have asked for!
Thanks to those who supported Trombone Christmas 2019:
Signs USA: Kerry Cofield
Skyline Middle School: Jerry Philp, band director
iHeartRadio: DJ Steve Knupp
Valley Mall: Cortney Carderelli Doug Grieve
Having blast at the Harrisonburg Mall with Mr. Jefferson's Bones
“The concert drew a crowd and two people signed up at our table to potentially become Court Appointed Special Advocates. After the concert was over, I showed the sign-up sheet to Robert Mott who organized this event – and said to him: it is a fact that YOU helped 4 abused children today by organizing this event and creating the opportunity for people to learn about the children we serve and sign up to help them. If the two people who signed up go through our training successfully, each of them will probably advocate for two abused children. Robert Mott, you rocked today! Thank you. Chills and Goosebumps #CASApower” — Juan Pablo Berrizbeitia, CASA of the Blue Ridge